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Id: 128091
Status: deleted
Priority: 0/
Queue: perl6

Owner: Nobody
Requestors: caleb.luka6366 [at]

Severity: (no value)
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Patch Status: (no value)
VM: (no value)

Date: Sat, 07 May 2016 04:10:15 +0000
To: rakudobug [...]
Subject: Website Performance Report:
From: Caleb Luka <caleb.luka6366 [...]>
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Hi Team,


Hope you are doing well.


I went through your website and was analyzing web performance; unlike your competitors online, I see there have been some major loop holes in strategic approach towards promotion.


Here are few key points where your website needs immediate improvement:


-      Low online presence for many competitive keyword phrases.

-      The traditional ways of measuring the success or failure of content are broken. Leading to a better approach towards context marketing.

-      Research based approach in comparison to standard approach gives higher ROI.

-      Market research based approach in comparison to standard approach.

-      Fixing errors that prevents your website from being indexed properly by search engine.


What we can do for you?


Our experienced Google Analytics professional understand all recent Algorithmic updates. We will prepare an advanced digital marketing campaign to generate maximum traffic and boost your search engine ranking.


Our packages are designed for a complete advance SEO experience which includes SMO, Brand management, Reputation management, organic optimization etc. in order to beat your competitors.

If you find this interesting, feel free to email us or alternatively you can provide me with your phone number and the best time to call you.



Best Regards,

Caleb LukaMarketing Consultant

PH. No: +1 (716)-393-5626

Skype: digital.commerce

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1:  You may ask us to “REMOVE” you from our mailing list, else we will be happy to provide you links on “price list”, “client rankings”, “How we are different from others”?, and “why should you choose us?”




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