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Id: 124392
Status: deleted
Priority: 0/
Queue: perl6

Owner: Nobody
Requestors: jepeway [at]

Severity: (no value)
Tag: (no value)
Platform: (no value)
Patch Status: (no value)
VM: (no value)

From: Chris Jepeway <jepeway [...]>
Subject: Roles can't use stub methods to indicate "must implement" methods: calls to such methods always ambiguous
Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2015 19:20:00 -0400
To: rakudobug [...]
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Trying to tell doers of a role that they are expected to implement a method (a là Java interfaces) doesn’t seem to work. This role A { multi method a(Int $i) {...}; multi method a(Str $s) {...}; }; class B does A { multi method a(Int $i){0}; multi method a(Str $s) {"a"}; } ; yields: Ambiguous call to 'a'; these signatures all match: :(B $: Int $i, *%_) :(B $: Int $i, *%_) in block <unit> at /tmp/0ILm1pfWyW:1 Both TimToady and timotimo suspect this to be a bug. See for their discussion. Chris.
RT-Send-CC: perl6-compiler [...]
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< jepeway> could somebody delete RT #124392? It's a dup from when I e-mailed rakudobug@ w/o [BUG] in Subject: header I'm going to add a link to RT #124393 and delete this ticket.

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